Monday, June 1, 2015

The secrets to planing effortlessly in windsurfing

The theory behind planing in windsurfing is to transmit all the power obtained through the sail into the board, as horizontally as possible, so that it lifts out of the water and continues gliding over it.

This means that you need to get as much wind power into the sail as it allows first. To achieve this, we need to bear away onto a broad reach (90 degrees plus from the wind) and sheet in while trying to keep the sail as vertical as possible.

Now that we have the power sorted out, we need to transmit it to the board horizontally. To do this, you want to get the shoulders as far back as possible to hold the power of the sail. At the same time, push your hips forward so that you are pushing your front foot into the board towards the nose.

Very important: do not just lean back and put your weight down on the board as this will just sink the board into the water rather than out of it. Focus on pushing forwards with the front foot.

Read More... [Jeff Blemaster Windsurfing]

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